Will be a few min late

On Fri, Jun 7, 2024, 3:18 PM Sven Apel <apel@cs.uni-saarland.de> wrote:
Hi everybody,

thanks for adding proposals for PhD topics! We have 8, so far. Please
add yours/more, if you did not do so, yet.

I'd propose that we go over them together on Monday (11am in my office)
and discuss and categorize them with regard to the challenges, work
areas, and PIs involved. I hope we can fit that into one hour...



Am 27.05.24 um 19:55 schrieb Sven Apel:
> Hi everybody,
> this is a gentle reminder that the deadline for bottom-up ideas for PhD
> projects in our RTG proposal is next Monday.
>   ** June 3rd (deadline for bottom-up ideas for PhD projects) **
> Please fill you ideas into our Google Doc:
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xne9gKQpsl-1-t1SGBFbBX2b_QpBwRqvL3_mxSaQDoM/edit?usp=sharing
> I am looking forward to you ideas!
> Thanks in advance!
> Sven
> Am 07.05.2024 um 12:47 schrieb Sven Apel:
>> Hi everybody,
>> many thanks for taking the time to meet and discuss today. As
>> discussed today, the next step would be to collect a couple of
>> bottom-up ideas for PhD projects. I would propose that we give
>> ourselves 4 weeks for this step, so a reasonable deadline would be
>>    ** June 3rd (deadline for bottom-up ideas for PhD projects) **
>> At the moment, it is more important to come up with a diversity of
>> ideas than fully-fledged and polished texts. 0.5 to 1 pages would be
>> great (possibly as a list of bullets).
>> As for the next meeting, a day in the week of June 3rd to 7th would be
>> great:
>>    ** June 3--7 (What are your availabilities? Morning/Afternoon?) **
>> Thanks in advance!
>> Sven
>> p.s. I will add the results of our discussion to our joint document.